Yemen "Crescent" urgent news inspects a number of vital installations in the west coast


Today we are releasing the latest news from Yemen, where the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society in Hodeidah has inspected a number of vital facilities and services of the Al-Khokha Branch on the west coast of Yemen. The UAE Red Crescent Society in Hodeidah province under the chairmanship of UAE Director of Humanitarian Operations in Yemen Said al-Kaabi has set up a number of essential facilities and services in the Khokha direction on the west coast of Yemen.

The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent team began their field visit with an inspection visit of the fishing port, where they were able to familiarize themselves with the conditions of the fishermen, examine their situation closely and highlight their needs. And the needs of the fish markets include a plan of action to qualify them to ensure the continuation of fishing operations and provide adequate livelihoods to the children of the west coast

The Fishermen & # 39; s Price Support the Emirati Red Crescent for his career And buy the move.

The great efforts of the UAE through its humanitarian arm, the Red Crescent Authority, which aims to restore fishing movement in the West Coast areas, are particularly appreciated by the masses, especially in providing them with an ideal regulatory framework. The UAE Red Crescent team also visited several schools in the Al-Khokha leadership where it was briefed on the progress of the review process and the stability of the educational process in the area. liberated areas of the governorate of Hodeidah

. In addition to rehabilitating and maintaining schools and educational institutions, creating and providing educational materials and facilities, providing school supplies to students and providing logistical support to institutions damaged by destructive practices pro-Iranian militias.

The director of education of Al-Khokha director, Ibrahim Majash, praised the role of the UAE in supporting the educational process and the rehabilitation of schools, which contributed to the return of the students and the advancement of the education sector. Director of Humanitarian Operations in Yemen Saeed Al-Kaabi confirmed that UAE-led development projects in Yemen in addition to humanitarian aid reflect the interest of the wise leaders of the Yemeni people and take into account the He emphasized that the UAE was making intensive reconstruction efforts in the liberated areas by providing generous support to infrastructure rehabilitation projects.

He explained that the UAE's assistance to the brothers in Yemen included various sectors and aspects of life, The data and its wise leadership on the future of the people of Yemen and alleviate their suffering because of the destructive policy of the Houthi militia loyal to Iran, and provide all the essential ingredients for the restoration of the normal life cycle.

The United Arab Emirates, through its humanitarian arm, the Red Crescent, provided for the maintenance and rehabilitation of a large number of Yemeni schools. has greatly contributed to overcoming students' difficulties in continuing their studies and improving their school environment. Zayed, "student of the Department of International Economics of the Faculty of Economics, during the ceremony held at the Palais des Arabes in the temporary capital of Aden, sponsored by the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent [19659002] Security of General Aden Shalal Shaia Dr. Abdullah Mohsen Taleb, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, praised the generous contribution of the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society to Aden University, highlighting the importance of this day in the lives of students and graduates after years of effort and perseverance.The Dean of the Faculty of Economics said that the University of Aden had made a lot of progress thanks to the support of the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent to promote the level of higher education and scientific research at the university and encourage students to persevere. UAE Crescent University Shield in recognition of its important role in promoting higher education and scientific research in the various faculties of the university and its generous support and constant encouragement of executives and students of the Aden University.

Tayeb Al Shamsi expressed his thanks and thanks to the leaders, deans, professors and students of the University for their appreciation of the Red Crescent Authority, highlighting the continuation of the Commission in its support for Aden University in various areas of education, research and technology. West Coast) is transferred by the search engine site and has been transferred as it comes from the source (Mandeb News), and does not express the view of the site and release policy, but the responsibility of the information is the responsibility of the publisher. js, id = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = ""; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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