Yemen is now a famous presenter separated from her husband two hours before the wedding.


Yemen's latest news Two hours before the start of the wedding, singer Mohamed Rashad and announcer Mei Helmy decided to separate because of family disputes over more specific details of the marriage, such as the list of movable property and the end of the dowry. Two of the arrangements for the "Night of Life" ended and they also completed their photography session. Before entering the wedding hall, there was an altercation between some members of both families, who it's over with a stalemate of understanding. The marriage and the departure of Mohammed Rashad from the hotel's place, then a special message was sent to the wedding guests saying that its director, Mohammed Magdy, had died, until the end of the impasse, including that a lot of people from the bride have already arrived in the room.
In recent days, Mohammad Rashad and Mei Helmi performed a special song for their wedding before being canceled at the last minute.

(Yemen is now a famous announcer separated from her fiancé two hours before the wedding.) Moved by the search engine Egypt 24 and transferred as is to the source (Yemen Rees), and does not express the point of view of the site nor the release policy, but is the responsibility of the news and health of the first publisher, Reese.

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