Yemeni prisons under the control of the judiciary and the interior


  Al-Misiri responds to allegations of the country: Yemeni prisons under the control of the judiciary and the & # 39; inside

Hadramout Gate

<img src = " /content/uploads/2018/07/11/dd9975a7d8.jpg "alt =" 5 b4519e2b677c [Levice-Premierministreetministredel&#39;IntérieurAhmedbinAhmedAl-MisriaréponduàLesallégationsdupaysselonlesquellesilexisteunsecretauYémensoulignantquetouteslesprisonscentralesdesprovinceslibéréessontmaintenantsousl&#39;autoritédirecteduprocureurgénéraletdesonreprésentantetsousl&#39;administrationduservicepénitentiaireduministèredel&#39;IntérieurLeministreyéménitedel&#39;Intérieurasoulignéqu&#39;&aucuneautreautoritén#39;ad&#39;autoritéoud&#39;ingérencedanscedossiernotantqu&#39;iLN&#39;yaplusdeprisonsendehorsdesautoritésdel&#39;accusationdupouvoirjudiciaireetduministèredel&#39;Interior

He stressed that the Ministry of & # 39; Interior announce any secret prison outside the & # 3 9, the prosecution authority and the judiciary of the public opinion and the responsible body and will take legal action against them and hold the perpetrators accountable. 19659006] and drew the animator Houd led the Ministry of the Interior to solve all the problems and imbalances that accompany this issue following the extraordinary circumstances that the country experienced following the war of Aggression imposed by the hordes of the Bolshevik coup following their coup d'etat against the state and its legitimate authority, as well as the obstacles encountered by the legitimate government.

Minister Al-Misri said his visit to the United Arab Emirates at the end of May was aimed at correcting relations between state institutions and those of the state. Its legitimacy and the Arab allies of the coalition as part of a partnership against the Iranian Persian project, which is a real security of the entire dangerous region. He added that the visit resulted in an agreement with the UAE leaders, represented by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and discussed the reorganization of the security file and its system with the brothers of the Ministry of & Inside the United Arab Emirates. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the UAE who expressed their willingness to provide unlimited support for the reconstruction of the Ministry of the Interior in Yemen in various fields to fully play its role. State at International Cooperation, Reem Al-Hashemi, said yesterday at the Palace of Al-Maasheek in Aden, as part of strengthening relations and cooperation between the two sister countries, supporting the legitimate government Yemeni and state institutions

The relationship and genuine partnership with the UAE brothers to serve the interests of legitimate state institutions and the security and stability of liberated provinces, considering the UAE as an active force on the ground in the framework of their participation in the Arab Alliance to support Yemeni legitimacy without compromising sovereignty and national decision in all its forms … the importance of going forward in consolidating the true partnership with the brothers in the UAE with sincerity and transparency for the benefit of both countries.

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Source: Hadramout News Portal

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