Your big heart does not distinguish between rich and poor and religious affiliations


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After paying your debts .. Russian ruler of Dubai: your heart does not distinguish between rich and poor and religious affiliations, quoting the site of the Egyptian today, Monday, November 26, 2018.

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Russian citizen Anastasia Popova thanked the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, for the generous efforts he made to overcome his ordeal by losing his mother to the United Arab Emirates.

"Without the help of Sheikh Mohammed, I would not have been able to leave the United Arab Emirates." My family and I pay all the expenses of the hospital where my mother was before her death, as well. than those of transporting my mother's body to Russia, "said Anastasia.

"We arrived in Dubai on October 25, 2017, accompanied by my mother and my daughter," Anastasia said in an interview with RT. "On the 29th, my mother had a health problem near the pool, she put her hand on her chest and declared herself in a bad position and lost consciousness, then the ambulance arrived and the took her to the German-Saudi hospital, where she diagnosed her condition, claiming that she had aneurysm of the aortic aorta and that this complicated operation could only be performed in the US hospital from Dubai.

"We took her to this hospital and underwent a very complicated operation of 5 hours and she was successful.The doctor stated that my mother miraculously survived because she was in critical condition. expressed our gratitude to the doctors for their work, but the next day it turned out that his kidneys had stopped at work, and after three weeks, the doctors fought for his life, did everything what was in their power and November 20 of the same world, the heart of my mother did not support and stopped beating.

"In the middle of all this, I went to the Russian consulate in Dubai after finding their phone number on the Internet and telling them what had happened.They immediately took action.The Deputy Consul always Visited the hospital to reassure my mother and question the doctors about I was asked about the costs, very big, and everyone else told me that it was the only one. The most expensive hospital in the area, but we had no other choice – it was embarrassing that we ended up by chance. "

"After the death of my mother, she explained to me the costs that we absolutely could not pay and that I could not bear.I was in mourning and mourning for the loss of my mother, especially after weeks of struggle for his life.I asked my Russian friends to do everything They are able to knock on the doors of all the ministries and announce the opening of donations in Russia for us messages were sent everywhere, we started collecting funds, but the collection did not cover the required amount. "

"In our next step, I wrote to the governor of Dubai, but in Russian, we wanted to translate this letter and bring it to his office to ask for help because we were in a situation inevitable, but we received a new surprise that the ruler of Dubai would pay the price.He was a man with a big heart and we did not expect a quick response from him: I received many media contacts, including Arab RT, and I think it is the latter who put our bitter conditions to the rule of Dubai: there was news that Dubai's rule was repaying our debts and the cost of our return to our homeland, and we realized that he had heard the news quickly and that he had made a decision in the face also the speed ".

"The news was a glimmer of hope from heaven and I was delighted to be able to return to my homeland with my mother's body and bury it in accordance with our customs," Anastasia said. . I am very grateful to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Your big heart does not distinguish between rich and poor and religious affiliations, and our problem has caught your attention, even though we are not not citizens of your country, and your attitude is very noble, issued by a real man, and I can not express all my feelings to stay with us. "

"I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my friends, to the people who could not remain silent in the face of my tragedy and what had happened to me – they are people I do not know personally. like their tragedy and passed on their message to other people.Only during these days, and his staff helped me with all their possibilities. "

"Dubai is the city closest to our heart, we visited it more than once, my children loved it, my mother liked it too, and the purpose of our appeal for funds was to leave him without any debt so that we could go back and visit him later for more comfort and pleasure, as we did in the past. "

We thank you, as well as the visitors of the Egyptian Saudi site, for the trust and presence that has been granted to them and we promise to forward all the new and important information from all sources of reliable information. (Russian governance of Dubai: your heart does not distinguish between religious and rich affiliations), and the source is responsible for What is reported in the news.
Source: Egyptian today

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