Youssef reveals the position of Ahli of the Super Arabia and the African list


Mohamed Yousuf, general coach and acting director of Al Ahly football, said that he had no plans to add new names to the African list before the Champions League round of Township in Botswana.

He adds that the technical staff will not limit any player before the trip to Botswana and that the trip saw the presence of 24 players present at the camp of Alexandria, which ended the meeting Town Chip in the third round , no answer for Al Ahly.

He explained that the technical staff still has time to complete the two places on the African list, until August 4th.

And for the summer sales, says Youssef, the technical staff has not yet closed the summer sales record to strengthen the team, in preparation for the new season , which begins with the match against Ismaili on August 2 in the first round of the Premier League.

Al Ahli's coach confirmed that the technical staff was working on the offers of records until July 30, and there are a lot of bids files that work up to here .

On the other hand, Youssef pointed out that the next few days will see the resolution of the future of the South African player "Bacca", adding that there are discussions on this topic for the moment and has not yet been set to the next player's station. With the offers that have arrived at the club.

Paka will train with the missing players on the next Botswana trip to Township.

Yusuf revealed that he was holding a meeting today with Rami Rabia, the defender of the team returning from Germany, to find out all the details of his rehabilitation program, which has returned from Germany to recover from a muscle injury.

Rabia is following a steady pace in the implementation of his qualifying program, where he receives the honor of Professor Wolfhardt, machine doctor, who confirms the player's improvement and the success of the stages previous rehab program successfully.

In another context, Ahli's acting director of the balloon said that the record of participation in the Saudi Arabian Super Cup has not yet been resolved, explaining that this case will be resolved by Balloon Committee and technical staff. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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