Zayed has reached a global status for the UAE


Al Ain: Rachid Al Nuaimi

The seventh session of the Forum "Political Awareness of Students" organized by the State Ministry for the Affairs of the Federal National Council was launched yesterday in cooperation with the University of the United Arab Emirates under the title "The political thought of Zayed ". The forum aims to present to university students the political thinking of the founding father of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God grant peace to his soul, within the framework of the creation of the Union through the consolidation of the principle Shura and the adoption of a method to strengthen relations between the leaders and the people of the United Arab Emirates.
"The current session of the forum is becoming more and more important," said Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al Owais, Minister for Health and Community Protection, Minister of National Council Affairs, on behalf of Dr Saeed Mohammed Al Ghafli, Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Affairs of the Federal National Council at the Ministry of State. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding leader of the United Arab Emirates, seeks to establish a unique approach to political participation, which takes into account the highest values ​​of the participation of UAE citizens in the realization of human rights. It is a decisive goal, as a decision-making citizen and the main pillar of any development process. Witnesses United Arab Emirates.
Sheikh Zayed, may God take pity on him, has been able to create an innovative political work experience, commensurate with the nature of Emirati society and its ambitions, and meet the demands of citizens and their aspirations, and maintain achievements and achievements.

The character of Zayed

Saeed Ahmed Ghabash, supreme president of the United Arab Emirates, welcomed the participants of the seventh university student awareness forum, entitled "Zayed's Political Thought", which explores the political thinking of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, The forum is very important in light of the issues and problems that surround the concepts and methods of dialogue that promote tolerance and respect, contribute to the development of enlightened thinking and seek the truth. "
He said: "Myself and others who have lived and followed the march firmly believe that Zayed's personality has played a key role in the formation and continuation of this state until now and has had a a clear vision to implement it, which leads him to deepen the study of his history, as well as those who need it … With his Arab nationalism and Arab nationalism, Zayed was able to realize the dream of the state to be surrounded by citizens and leaders. "

UAE efforts

Ms. Maitha Bint Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates, thanked the University of the United Arab Emirates and the State Department of UAE Affairs for Federal National Council Affairs and Ahmed Bin Shabib Al Dhaheri, Secretary General of the Federal National Council, has organized this important and valuable forum.
"We need the continuation of such important events, which will highlight the political efforts of the UAE and help to raise the awareness of university students to politics, as they are the cornerstone of the progress in the promising future of our country. In the past and present, and continue to develop them in the future, to become our best country in the world, in all areas and at all levels.
She added: "Sheikh Zayed has made considerable efforts to strengthen the unity of children of the United Arab Emirates and make them partners in the claim of this unit, which has contributed to the development of national goals agreed by all to defend unity and prosperity and a decent life, followed by population policies and development policies, among the efforts made in the areas of education, health and social welfare, as well as the development of programs that will create a united society that is united and participates in achieving its goals. "
The second dimension, which reflects Zayed's political thought, is his concern to achieve unity between the seven emirates and their sons, considered the cornerstone of greater unity among the Gulf states, which led to the formation of the Gulf Cooperation Council in 1981.
"A policy based on ethical ideals takes into account the long-term considerations of the leader." Sheikh Zayed, may God have mercy on him, does not see politics and ethics as two distinct areas.
The first session of the forum was devoted to the theme "Zayed's thought for the consolidation of the principle of shura and the status of the world state", in which Ahmed bin Shabib al-Dhaheri, Ahmed al-Husani, former Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Ms. Mariam Sultan Lootah, Mohammed Bin Huaiden, Head of Political Science at the University of the United Arab Emirates.
Saeed Al-Ghafli, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Federal State Council Affairs at the State Department for Federal State Council Affairs, Mr. Sultan Al-Nuaimi, Academician at the University of Abu Dhabi, and Mr. Ali Al-Ahbabi, Department of Political Science, Mr. Abdullah Al Hammadi, Director of the Department of Political Development of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and the Federal National Council, chaired the presidency of the University of the Emirates.
The forum is an important platform for university students and opinion leaders to share ideas and ideas on the topics of political participation in the UAE, allowing university students and young people to become familiar with the pillars. of the political system and prospects for the UAE's overall development process.

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