Zeina explains the truth of her quarrel with a family in Dubai: me and my sister were attacked


Zeina explains the truth of her quarrel with a family in Dubai: me and my sister Naseem News were attacked.

Naseem News Zaina issued a press release today, clarifying the circumstances of recent reports of his beatings. On a whole family in Dubai, UAE.

Zina says in her statement: "I was surprised by several articles in the sites and newspapers that recounted my assault on a whole family during my presence in the UAE, including a confirmation of my attack on a young girl, a desperate attempt on the other side.

Zina stated in her statement: "Although I am available to all newspapers and websites that should have had the right of reply before the presentation of false and misleading statements, knowing that this incident took place there about 10 days to the people and government of the United Arab Emirates, but I will judge the incident as it happened in the text so as not to display false news. "

"I was at Atlantis Dubai, sitting in a restaurant, I was surprised by people mingling with my private life and filming … Although it's a crime in the UAE I asked them with respect and respect.With all the misfortune and was subjected to the insult and aggression of me and my two sisters by the whole family and overly. "

Zeina goes on "Since I am in the UAE and know the extent of my rights, I immediately contacted the police and i published a report on what happened, knowing that i first made the communication. A few days after the problem, the family repeatedly tried to make peace and to apologize for what it had done through intermediaries, but I did not know what was going on. I refused because they tried to say that they had US citizenship, and a clue to their ability to But I rejected all these things and I have no consideration for me , and I remain attached to my right to the fullest right, especially as the authorities of the sister of the UAE treat the incident so completely and do not recognize any nationality in the world except justice I am confident in the & # 39; 39 impartiality and impartiality of the authorities who are currently investigating, and I am fully entitled to this right. "

Finally, I ask everyone to investigate the accuracy of what is published and to assign me absurdly and irremediably: I'm calling different sites and newspapers to not repeat the rumors without checking the official documents currently underway in the UAE, I will provide you with all the official details that will come later. "

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