Uber Copter's $ 200 flights will be launched in New York on July 9


Uber's autonomous flying taxis are not yet ready to flee, but according to a report published in the newspaper New York Times, it will propose air transit from 9 July. Uber Copter will initially be available in New York for Uber Rewards members who have earned Platinum and Diamond status. Unsurprisingly, package prices will vary depending on demand, but will average between $ 200 and $ 225, according to Nikhil Goel of Uber Elevate.

However, unlike the Uber car service, the company uses a predetermined route between a location near the Staten Island ferry to Manhattan and Kennedy Airport, with a flight time of about eight minutes . Uber has not publicly announced the service itself, but according to the article, the flights will accommodate up to five passengers (do not expect to pack a lot of luggage) with two pilots, all operated by the Heliflite charter service.


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