Ubisoft's Attack on Agriculture XP in Assassin's Creed Story Creator


Ubisoft is taking action against players using Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Story Creator mode to exploit the game's character upgrade system.

Announced at E3 2019 and released shortly thereafter, Story Creator mode is supposed to allow players to create their own quests for the game and then share them with other players.

Unsurprisingly, it was found that some players were playing with the system by creating easy quests to manage a lot of XP and increase their level considerably, instead of buying XP boosters in the in-game store.

Quality control

In an article on the Ubisoft forums, the publisher explained how he would tackle the problem.

According to Ubisoft, "these feats may jeopardize the quality, integrity, and overall objectives of the Story Maker mode and have the effect of reducing the visibility of the creative, interesting, and frankly fantastic community stories that are published." .

From now on, existing XP Farming Quests will not appear in any of the automatic referral lists such as the Hall of Fame or Trends and any quests reported for agriculture will be hidden.

In order for the rules to be perfectly clear to the players, Ubisoft will update its terms of use of the tool, after which those who continue to break the rules will be punished.

Ubisoft has other plans to dissuade players from using such exploits in the future, revealing that it will be closer to implementation.


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