UC Berkeley joins schools in the college admissions scandal


The University of California at Berkeley has joined the growing list of universities linked to the massive university admissions scandal – as a former Canadian football player who allegedly paid to take SATs for his sons, one of which was part of of the school rowing team.

David Sidoo, who played for the Thunderbirds of the University of British Columbia and then for the Canadian Football League, was arrested on March 8 for scam-related charges, the affiliate reported. of ABC, KGO-TV.

Sidoo reportedly paid $ 200,000 to someone to take SAT for his sons in 2011 and 2012, according to court documents obtained by the station.

While Sidoo's eldest son had enrolled at Chapman University in Orange County, his younger son, Jordan, had attended UC Berkeley, according to the report.

Jordan Sidoo is on the roster of the 2015 rowing team of the school. His Linkedin page states that he graduated from university last year, that he studied history and that he was part of the university. rowing team from 2014 to 2016.

He is currently pursuing his MBA at Southern New Hampshire University, which offers degrees online, according to the page.

Sidoo is one of 33 parents charged with conspiracy to commit mail and electronic fraud in the massive fraud that has affected admissions to Stanford, Yale, Georgetown, Wake Forest and the University of Texas.

In a statement released on the radio, University of California president Janet Napolitano said she was "deeply troubled and disappointed" to learn that the widespread scam had reached her university. .

"The allegations associated with UC, if true, do not serve hard-working students and alumni who have earned their place at the university and continue to make us proud," Napolitano said.

"Illegal, inappropriate and unethical ways of being admitted, at the expense of deserving candidates, go against all aspects of our mission and values," she said. added. "As a public institution, one of the most reputable in the world, we are committed to ensuring a level playing field for all candidates."

Napolitano said that the school "would take timely and appropriate disciplinary action to remedy the misconduct once we have all the facts."


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