UFO observations: NASA calls for serious consideration of alien claims to regain alien life | Science | New


NASA's extraterrestrial evidence hunt is at the forefront of space exploration in space. But here on Earth, many conspiracy theorists and self-proclaimed UFO hunters are already some extraterrestrials who regularly visit the Earth. Most of these extraterrestrial claims, supposedly UFO sightings and mysterious crop circles stories appearing overnight are immediately rejected by the scientific community. A former NASA researcher and physicist at Albany University however asserted that immediate skepticism with regard to all UFO theories was counterproductive.

Kevin Knuth, associate professor at Albany, explained in an opinion piece for Cosmos magazine that the chances of living outside the Earth were rather high.

The "disturbing and refreshing" possibility is exactly the reason why, he said, more attention needs to be given to what is happening in heaven.

Dr. Knuth said, "I think UFO skepticism has become a kind of religion with an agenda, dismissing the possibility of extraterrestrials without scientific evidence, while often providing ridiculous hypotheses describing only one or two aspects of life. A UFO encounter, thus reinforcing the popular belief that there is a conspiracy.

"A scientist must consider all the possible hypotheses that explain all the data and, as little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis can not yet be ruled out.

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"In the end, skeptics often make science a disservice by setting a bad example of how science should be conducted.

"The fact is that many of these encounters – still a very small percentage of the total – challenge the conventional explanation."

The main reason why scientists are exhorted about the prospect of extraterrestrial life, apart from dubious UFO images, is what is called the Fermi paradox.

The nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi has explored the likelihood that life will develop outside the Earth after considering that there were about 300 billion stars in the galaxy, most of which have billions years older than our own Sun.

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Even if intelligent life were to develop on a small fraction of these planets during the 14 billion years of the universe's history, tens of thousands of exotic species would technically exist outside the Earth.

Dr. Knuth stated that this in itself may not prove that extraterrestrials exist somewhere in the Milky Way, but the prospect is nonetheless exciting.

The biggest problem facing human explorers today is the lack of fast and efficient interstellar travel technology.

The scientist said: "With the rocket-based technologies we developed for space travel, it would take between 5 and 50 million years for a civilization like ours to colonize our galaxy, the Milky Way.

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"As it should have happened several times already in the history of our galaxy, one should ask where are the testimonies of these civilizations?

"This gap between the expectation that there should be evidence of civilizations or foreign visits and the presumption that no visit has been observed has been described as Fermi's paradox."

Unfortunately, said Dr. Knuth, there has been no evidence of "smoking gun", which could once and for all prove the existence of UFOs.

But the subject remains an area worthy of interest, study and serious debate as long as the least possibility of extraterrestrial life exists.

Dr. Knuth said that it would be very beneficial for the scientific community to try to better understand extraterrestrial visitors, if any.

He added: "In addition, this would represent a great opportunity for humanity, promising to expand and advance our knowledge and technology, as well as redefine our understanding of our place in the world." ;universe."


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