UK health becomes blind in the right eye after showering with contact lenses, Health News


Do you take showers while wearing lenses? If so, you may want to get rid of it now.

A man in England contracted an eye infection and lost sight of his right eye.

What Nick Humphreys, 29, thought was a scratch in the right eye in January 2018 turned out to be worse.

The use of eye drops and the reduction of the brightness of electronic devices screens did not improve his condition, so he went to see an optician.

Humphreys learned that he had an ulcer in his eye and that he had to go immediately to the hospital.

Doctors in the area diagnosed him with Acanthamoeba keratitis, an infection of the cornea caused by parasites in contaminated water.

If it is not treated, the disease can lead to blindness.

Despite the use of disinfecting eye drops for the next few weeks, he suddenly lost the sight of his right eye in March 2018.

His infection eventually disappeared and he underwent two eye surgeries. It is scheduled for a cornea transplant next month.

Humphreys is also working with the charity Fight for Sight to raise awareness of the potential dangers of wearing contact lenses while showering.

He said, "If I get my sight back, I will never be in contact again."


Optometrists often warn that contact lenses are medical devices that must be worn with care.

Some common mistakes include sleeping or swimming with lenses, rinsing lenses with tap water and wearing them longer than expected.

Misuse of contact lenses can lead to infections and blindness.

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