1 out of 3 (!) Republicans want someone else than Trump as the 2020 candidate


"How can you dismiss a president who may have won the greatest election of all time, did nothing wrong (no collusion with Russia, it is the Dems who cooperated) , had the first two years of President's most successful, and is the most popular Republican in the history of the 93% party? " he tweeted earlier this month .
That could change, at least according to a new poll released by the Washington Post-ABC News, which shows that one Republican voter out of every three Republican and Republican voter would like the GOP to designate "somebody". Trump in 2020.

This is a BIG number – and this shows the fact that there remains, at least in the Republican Party at large, a large pocket of people who just did not come on Trump.People who do not believe that it represents the present or the future of the GOP and who are looking for an alternative to it by 2020.

Who are these people? who among those who consider themselves "liberal / moderate" Republicans, 49% want Trump to be renamed, while 48% want another candidate to be the 2020 candidate. very conservative ", 85% wish to see Trump fame, while that only 11% prefer another candidate. Overall, the "conservatives" would like more than Trump to be renamed (74% Trump / 23% somebody else) more widely than Republicans (65% Trump / 32% somebody else). ;other).

This Post-ABC survey is very controversial. a very interesting moment both in the Trump presidency and in the wider debate on the future direction of the Republican Party.

The vast majority of recent polls suggest that the closure of the government, which has just ended after 35 days, has undermined Trump's already poor ratings. In the post-survey survey, only 37% approved of Trump's work. This is broadly in line with Trump's average approval rate of 41.6% in the average Real Clear Politics polls
. And external events continue to blur Trump's political future. The arrest on Friday of his partner Roger Stone and the expected publication of the report of special advocate Robert Mueller over the next few months have shed light on Trump's very real weaknesses in 2020.
This It's no coincidence that talks have resumed Republican serious taking the president into the 2020 primaries. Although Arizona's former senator, Jeff Flake, has departed from consideration Tuesday morning , many names were still mentioned, including former Ohio Governor John Kasich, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse and, perhaps even the most intriguing, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan .

"Here is an excerpt from a New York Times article that explores the potential for a major challenge for Trump in 2020:" Mr. Trump is still as loyal to a passionate electoral base that The councilors believe that the Democratic presidential candidates are plunged into a long struggle for the inauguration, but they fear they will not be able to face an exhausting primary next year.

"Several of Trump's notorious antagonists actively urge other Republicans to assume the president, and a popular governor, Larry Hogan, of Maryland, said he was now open to their proceedings. "

In his 2019 inauguration speeches, Hogan quoted his father – a Republican congressman from Maryland who voted for the only Republican vote of the three articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon.

"Despite tremendous political pressure, he put aside his partisan spirit and responded to the demands of his conscience to do what he thought was the right thing for the nation that he loved, "said Hogan.

Then, turning to his own work. in Maryland, he expressed this idea, which is very similar to a man who plans to run for a national post:

"Although the content of the current national policy may have departed from the noble example that she has given, I still believe that what unites us is greater than what divides us.And for those who say that our political system is too degraded and that we can not fix it, I we have already shown a better way forward, and if we can do that here in Maryland, then there is no place in America where these same principles can not succeed. "

I really think that someone credible – whether it's Hogan or Kasich or someone I do not know – is running against Trump during the GOP primaries of 2020. But even keeping in mind post-ABC survey figures, it is highly unlikely that this challenger beats Trump.

Yes, there is resistance in some pockets of the GOP to the president. But the most conservative voters, who are the party's most committed base, are still far behind Trump. As in the vast majority of GOP infrastructure, which always means something – especially in a primary fight.

In simple terms: there is a reason why serving Presidents simply do not lose the renomination too often. And by "all that often," I mean that it happened once – never. President Franklin Pierce lost his candidacy to become the Democratic choice of the president in 1856 for the benefit of James Buchanan. Despite the focus on the primary struggle between President Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Senator Ted Kennedy, then Senator from Massachusetts, people sometimes forget that Carter, as harassed as he was, ended up winning the renomination against Kennedy. (Do you want to read an excellent book on this primary? Try Jon Ward's new: "Camelot's End.")

That does not mean that either a Hogan or a Kasich n & # 39; It does not really matter, even if their chances of victory are not very high. The danger for non-Trump Republicans is that the president destroys any semblance of what the party was before becoming its leader. That when Trump leaves office – whether in 2021 or 2025 – there is no GOP outside of Trump.

Hogan, Kasich, and according to the Post-ABC survey, a decent number of other Republicans do not share Trump's point of view. party or country. And they have every interest in making a Republican party stand out from Trump, so that once Trump can go to the public and say, "You see, we were not all – and we're not not "t – like this! "

Running against Trump – even as part of a likely quixotic primary – could well preserve the idea of ​​republicanism outside Trump for every time he quits his duties." And whoever decides to assume this anti-Trump role will probably be the first among his peers in the first presidential fight that will follow the departure of Trump.

The race It's unlikely that winning a primary against Trump is possible, according to the Post-ABC survey, but that does not mean it's not worth doing. 19659022] [ad_2]
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