5 things to know for February 7: Trump, Virginia, Venezuela, climate, James Brown


1. President Trump

In his speech on the state of the Union, President Trump asked the Democrats to stop the new congressional investigations against him. Well, the Democrats have called his bluff. Speaker of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff announced a radical new look at Trump's finances. Schiff said the investigation went "beyond Russia" to determine whether the president's financial interests dictate his actions and whether foreign interests have leverage over Trump, his family, his companies or his associates . It's safe to check the president, who has already told the New York Times that any investigation into his finances crossed a red line. He also described Schiff as a political hacker engaging in presidential harassment.

2. Virginia's Politics

Virginia Democrats did not think the situation could get worse. Yesterday, they did it. The state's Democratic Attorney General, Mark Herring, admitted that he had appeared at Blackface at a college party in 1980. Then, Vanessa Tyson, the woman who accused Democratic Lieutenant Justin Fairfax of having sexually assaulted her, issued a long and convincing statement purported attack of 2004. Fairfax once again denied his claims. The events of the day were a double dose of chaos for the State Dems still under shock from Democratic Governor Ralph Northam's admission that he was wearing a blackface in the 80s and falling from 39; a racist photo on the page of the Northam Medical School directory book. Northam says that he will not resign.
Virginia Democrats, who had spent years trying to make the state bluer, feared the government would use this trio of scandals to wipe out their gains. It is also possible that if Northam, Fairfax and Herring resign, the state would be run by a Republican. Kirk Cox, chair of the Virginia House of Delegates at the GOP, is the next to take over.

3. Venezuela

The Venezuelan government blocks a bridge linking the country to Colombia, according to Colombian officials and a CNN photojournalist. The blockage prevents the delivery of humanitarian aid, claimed by the opposition of Venezuela, by this route. The Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaido, said last week that Cucuta, a border town of Colombia, was one of three collection points responsible for international aid . Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said: "We are not beggars" and rejected international aid to his country in crisis.

4. Climate change

The Earth continues to heat more and more hot. 2018 was the fourth hottest year ever recorded, according to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. And this follows a disturbing pattern. The last five years have been the five hottest years and 18 of the 19 warmest years have occurred since 2001. The average global temperature has increased by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (just over 1 degree Celsius) since the years 1880. This is roughly two-thirds of the 1.5 ° Celsius limit set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Scientists believe that if the planet gets hotter than that, the risk of extreme drought, forest fires, floods and food shortages for several hundred million people increases dramatically.

5. James Brown

The doctor who signed James Brown's death certificate does not believe he died of natural causes. A friend says that he has a vial of blood that could constitute proof of murder. The location of Brown's body remains mysterious. And a woman says that a black bag could contain evidence relating to Brown's death. The godfather of the soul has been dead for 12 years, but the issues are unresolved. Read the breathtaking conclusion of Thomas Lake's three-part investigation series, "Lost in the Woods with James Brown's Ghost".


"Let little children come to me"

Security was tight. But that would not prevent a little girl from giving a letter to the pope before this historic Mass in the United Arab Emirates.

Party, but not forgotten

The last episode of Kristoff St. John on "The Young and the Restless" was released yesterday. And the soap opera will pay tribute to the deceased actor with a tribute tomorrow.

"Simpsons" forever

Fox has renewed "The Simpsons" for two more seasons, which means that we must now seriously consider the possibility that the show will survive us

Sign sacred

The beach Florida's most blessed may be found in Fort Lauderdale, where a giant cross has stranded on the shore.

The robots arrive

In Hangzhou, China, the Artificial intelligence controls the traffic. This would normally alarm us, but if it helps to clear the roads, we are all for it.



The age of the stylist, Iris Apfel, who has just signed an important modeling contract


"These emails do not reflect the culture we've worked so hard to build at the Chicago Cubs."

The President of the Cubs Team Tom Ricketts Excuses racist statements against Muslims found at old emails written by his father, Joe Ricketts

AND FINALLY [19659013] Mashup musical

The classic Metallica rock "Enter Sandman" sung like an air of Stevie Wonder? Yes, and this "impressionist musical" also sings in 19 other styles. (Click to view.)

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