The Senate supported the conclusions of the special services on the interference of Russia in the US elections


The Chairman of the Intelligence Committee hopes the rapid appearance of additional documents

The United States Senate Intelligence Committee agrees with the findings of the US intelligence services on the issue. Russia's interference in the US presidential elections. Committee Chair Richard Burr stated that he and his colleagues had "spent the last 16 months studying the sources, methods, and analytical work" on which the findings of the Special Services are based, and at the same time time, the senator stressed that the investigation was ongoing and that he hoped that other documents "would clarify the actions of Russia in the elections in the United States."

According to a Committee released in May, Intelligence Seine In the United States, the Kremlin intervened during the 2016 US Presidential Election.

Committee Vice President Mark Warner described the actions of the Russian side during the American elections. Moreover, according to intelligence reports, the Russian government and Russian media representatives have tried to "defame former Secretary of State Hillary Clinto". "On behalf of Donald Trump

On June 23, the US Department of Justice handed over to Congress more than a thousand new documents relating to the investigation of the Russian interference in the American elections

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