Klik is at the Magnitogorsk Psychiatric Hospital – a human rights defender


Sentenced in Russia, Ukrainian Stanislav Klych is at the Magnitogorsk Regional Psychiatric Clinic, a Russian human rights activist, Tatiana Schur, was denounced on 3 July.

"Stanislav feels better, he says that he has not given permission to the hospital, which contradicts the words of the prisoners." If his conscience was confused on 26 July, the language "floated", the images were reversed and Roman (Roman Cachanov, lawyer). "Fantastic", then Ekaterina (lawyer of the human rights group of the Urals Katerina Burian). and intelligent.But she had the impression that he was under the influence of soothing medications.And Stanislav himself said that he was doing "some sort of vaccination", wrote a human rights activist on Facebook

Formerly, Lyudmila Denisova, human rights commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada, said that Clichy was moving from a colony to a psychiatric hospital. June, Iryna Gerashchenko, first vice-president of the Verkhovna Rada, referring to the words of Kliha's mother, said that the day before, he had no hunger strike

Klichov was arrested on Russian territory in 2014 for participation in hostilities. against the federal forces under the watch of the first Chechen war of the winter of 1994-1995, as well as the murder of Russian soldiers. There is also another Ukrainian in this case – Nikolai Karpiuk.

Klichi blames the culprit, and his family and friends insist that the convicted has never been to Chechnya. On May 26, 2016, the court of the Chechen Republic sentenced Kliha to 20 years imprisonment; In October 2016, the Supreme Court of Russia rejected his appeal for defense.

Klich points out that he was illegally captured by the Russian security forces and that the testimony and confession of the Russian investigation were tortured. Lawyers and human rights activists have been repeatedly informed of health problems, particularly the psychological state of Stanislav Klych

. The Human Rights Center "Memorial" in Russia has recognized Klich as a political prisoner. Amnesty International, an international human rights organization, said it was the victim of a "travesty of justice".

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