Bank of America anticipates a recurrence of the 1998 financial crisis


However, today, the situation is caused by other factors

Bank of America involves a repeat of the financial crisis, similar to that which was in 1997-1998. Bloomberg reports with reference to banking experts

It is reported that while analyzing the markets, banking analysts have noted the repetition of trends, in particular, the dynamics of indices similar to 1998.

"Sustainable growth in the States Developing country markets – all this sounds like an echo of the events of 20 years ago, "said leading investment analyst Bank of America Michael Hartnett.

Photo: Bank of America trends

Thus, analysts say clearly There is a situation similar to that of the 1990s. In particular, at the end of the twentieth century, restrictive economic policies led to a strengthening of the dollar. At the same time, the expectations of analysts (Bank of America)

At the same time, analysts explain, to date, despite the fact that there is a similar situation, it is conditional d & # 39; Other factors. The fall in the value of the currencies of developing countries is relative and in the context of the strengthening of the United States.

At the end of last month the stock markets dropped to two years.

Following the collapse of the European and American indices.

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