Kepler – Kepler telescope goes into hibernation – IT and science news


The Scientific Mission Team Kepler received information that the telescope had almost exhausted fuel reserves, with respect to which the experts decided to move it into hibernation . According to NASA, scientists have gone so far as to provide the ability to transmit data that has been collected recently by a telescope.

After the scientists acquired these data, they hope that the fuel leftovers will be sufficient for "Kepler" was able to continue the observation. As of May 12, the telescope was studying the area of ​​the sky, near the constellation Cancer, which he had already studied in 2015. The data from the last observation will allow astronomers to confirm the found exoplanets and discover new ones. However, the fuel left on the telescope remained a bit, so it was decided to save it for transmission of information.

On August 2, the telescope will come out of hibernation and send its antenna to Earth for data transmission. If the transfer succeeds, the telescope will begin its last data collection campaign on August 6th. According to the researchers, fuel should be enough for a telescope for several months.

The Kepler orbital telescope was launched in 2009. In 2013, one of the telescope's engines failed, which resulted in the loss of the ability to accurately guide the tool into l & # 39; space. However, the telescope continues to be used as part of the K2 mission, aimed at observing the stars in the plane of the ecliptic. With the help of a telescope, more than three thousand exoplanets have been discovered.

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Earlier it was reported that scientists discovered an orbital exoplanet, which contradicts the theoretical models . By turning around a fairly small star, it is deflected from the star's rotation plan by 76%. The planet has a mass close to the mass of Jupiter, but is at a distance closer to the star.

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