A 25-year-old student from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, India was fatally shot in the back while he was running from a thief at the restaurant where he was working, a said Saturday a man working at the restaurant. 19659002] Kansas City police identified the victim as Sharath Koppu. He was shot around 7 o'clock in the morning. Friday at J Fish and Chicken Market near 54th Avenue and Prospect. Men in a nearby motel said they heard five shots at the restaurant
Police released a short video of the suspect in the restaurant just before the shooting and asked the community for help # 39; identify.
Koppu was a software engineer who came to the United States in January to pursue his master's degree, wrote a cousin who established a GoFundMe account on Saturday for Koppu. The account, created to reimburse Koppu's body to return to India, raised $ 25,000 in three hours
"He had the same dreams as everyone else, to make him a great country of opportunity. humor and always made people laugh and was always ready to lend a hand, "wrote cousin Raghu Chowdavaram in the account description GoFundMe." Few people know that life is on the I took an unfortunate turn on July 6, 2018. "
On Saturday afternoon, the restaurant remained closed during normal office hours, with corrugated metal hiding its windows. announced that surveillance cameras were in place, presumably as a deterrent.
The restaurant worker did not want to be named, but he told The Star what he saw on surveillance footage [19659002] The suspect, dressed in a brown shirt with white stripes, demanded money and took out a gun.
"He's afraid he's dying," says the man about Koppu
While people were stooping or running around hiding around him, Koppu rushed directly at the suspect, towards the back of the store. (Koppu) ran, so he pulled "in the back, the man said, shaking his head.He said that Koppu did not know how to work the register.
Koppu is died shortly after being taken to hospital.
Capt. Lionel Colón, a spokesman for the Kansas City Police Force, said he saw only the video released by the police and therefore could not confirm the account of the incident by the man.
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