Megan Mark tested Harry's new form of harassment |


Every day, journalists write news about Prince Harry and Megan Mark. Some news is officially confirmed by the royal family, while others are just rumors.

But British journalists have literally shared the secret of the family life of the Duke and Duke of Sussex in recent days. He called Hazza – a nickname that came with Megan's friends. However, as a true gentleman, the grandson of Elizabeth II does not become scandalized and tries to remain calm when he hears the word in his address. Megan Bruni Gordon's girlfriend told reporters. The girl did not specify why the prince received the nickname.

Nevertheless, Western media have described their theory, noting that Hazza is very similar to the British exclamation Huzzah, which can be translated as "Hurray". By the way, Harry calls his beloved wife Megz

Earlier it was reported that the Canadian jewelry brand Maison Birks was saying that buyers were not attracted to the new collection of d & rsquo; Ornaments due to the effect Megan Mark. Of course, we can not complain. but for now, our customers are only interested in the jewelry that Megan Mark has ever presented. We are now launching a new fall line. However, not everyone cares until the duchess wears no jewel, "- said the head of the company Eva Hartling

" The effect of retailers Megan Mark "has suddenly increased demand for clothing, shoes and accessories." According to the "Know.u" portal, Megan Markl has visited the Coworth Park Polo Club in Ascot, where Audi's two-day polo auditions each year Polo took place Last Weekend Challenge Participating in the Competitions Members of the Royal Family, including her husband Mark Prince Harry, chose for an unofficial outing a stylish summer look, appearing on outfits in a costumed shoshanna dress costing $ 395 and brown leather sandals on one of his favorite Sarah brands Flint

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