United States turned to the threats to fight the resolution of breastfeeding: report


The United States turned to threats to the World Health Assembly with the goal of rescinding a resolution to promote breastfeeding, the New York Times reported Sunday. .

The resolution was originally to be presented by Ecuador. But the US has warned that if the country adopts the measure, it would cut military aid and implement punitive trade measures, the Times reported.

The resolution argues that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for young children and urges countries to limit the spread of inaccurate information about breast-milk substitutes.

The United States pushed the language Caitlin Oakley, the national spokesperson of the Ministry of Health and Human Services, the main agency in the negotiations on the resolution, said that the opposition American measurement was not based on the protection of breastfeeding. An "anti-breastfeeding" position

"Recent reports attempt to describe the US position at the recent World Health Assembly as" anti-breastfeeding ", which is patently false," she said. said in a statement. the history of mother support and breastfeeding in the world and is the largest bilateral donor of these foreign aid programs. The issues discussed did not relate to support for breastfeeding.

"The United States struggled to protect the ability of women to make the best choices for their babies' diets. these women should not be stigmatized, they should also be supported by information and access to alternatives for their health and that of their babies. "

In a statement to the Times, HHS argues that the original text would have" placed "We recognize that not all women are able to breastfeed for various reasons," said a spokesperson for the US. agency at the Times. "These women should have choice and access to alternatives for the health of their babies, and not be stigmatized for the way they are able to do it."

A spokesman for the HHS noted that the United States had been seeking to promote breastfeeding worldwide for decades – mainly through the US Agency. for international development – and that it shares this goal with other countries. According to the spokesman, the resolution "would have been contrary to this common objective".

The State Department declined to comment on the Times

After Ecuador abandoned the resolution, health advocates sought other sponsors. Countries in Latin America and Africa that depend on US aid, reported the Times. Finally, Russia introduced the resolution.

The infant formula industry, dominated by US and European companies, has been growing in developing countries in recent years, with breastfeeding becoming more common in rich countries. Times' report, child food industry lobbyists were present at the World Health Assembly meetings on the resolution, but there is no evidence that 39, they urged the US representatives to try to mitigate the measure

. a more general pattern of how the Trump administration has sought to pressure countries to support its agenda. While the UN General Assembly blocked a resolution last year condemning the US decision to transfer its embassy to Israel to Jerusalem, the US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley Nimrata (Nikki) HaleyUS turned to threats The resolution on breastfeeding: report The former UN envoys urge Pompeo to reinstate funding from the agency Palestinian aide Trump congratulates McMaster and Donovan for primary victories MORE warned that Washington would take note of the countries that voted in favor of this measure.

The United States also refused to fund the UN agency to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees, frustrated by the lack of progress in the peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians .

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