The accusation of Mueller against Russian hackers is full of clues about Trump World.


  Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee brandishes a photo of Paul Manafort at a congressional hearing

Dem. Sheila Jackson Lee Wields a Photo of Paul Manafort at a Congressional Hearing

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

On Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced a series of acts of violence. charge against 12 Russian intelligence agents for hacking and state organs of the electoral infrastructure with the aim of interfering in the 2016 elections. As Ben Mathis-Lilley of Slate pointed out, A seemingly remarkable effort came when the Russians attempted to hack Hillary Clinton's "personal office" the same day that Donald Trump publicly declared that he hoped that Russia would hack Clinton's emails.

This was not the only circumstantial evidence in Friday 's indictment of a link between the actions of Russian hackers and those of the Trump campaign. The indictment highlights that the 2016 election hacks were carried out by members of the Russian military intelligence agency GRU. Paul Manafort, who is currently awaiting trial for undisclosed lobbying charges on behalf of a pro-Russian Ukrainian political party, has consolidated his position in Donald Trump's campaign during the entire period of piracy. Manafort eventually became president of the campaign, and at the same time that he fulfilled this role, he was communicating with Konstantin Kilimnik about the possibility that Manafort is offering private briefings to one of Vladimir Putin's closest allies. According to Mueller's court statements, Kilimnik was known to Manafort employee Rick Gates to be "a former Russian intelligence officer with the GRU." During the elections, Manafort was working closely with a former Russian intelligence group officer who had hacked into the elections. .

This new evidence does not prove the collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Yet, it is important to recognize the influence of Manafort on Russia's unorthodox agenda – a reversal of Trump's earlier positions on Russia – at a time when it was potentially compromised and where Russia was working to hurt Clinton.

As Trump prepares to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin next week, it is useful to review some of the key dates of the new indictment and how they overlap with what is happening. was in the Trump campaign at that time.


Feb. 29, 2016: Manafort sends Trump a memo explaining why he should join the campaign and the candidate asks for a face-to-face meeting. Manafort joins the campaign in March; the rental is announced for the first time on March 28th.

March 14: Foreign Policy Adviser George Papadopoulos meets Joseph Mifsud, a professor at the London Academy of Diplomacy. Mifsud finally offers him "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.


Mar 15: GRU hackers conduct technical and open source queries on the DNC server.
[19199014] March 19: Clinton campaign president John Podesta is hacked and 50,000 of his e-mails are stolen two days later.


March 26: Trump begins reciting a new talking point on the campaign trail, arguing that NATO is obsolete. About a week later, he said that he would agree with the breakup of NATO.

April 11: Manafort sends emails to Kilimnik, saying, "I guess you showed my friends my media coverage, is not it?" And "How do we use to to become whole?


April 12: GRU uses stolen credentials to enter the Democratic Congress Campaign Committee's computer network, allowing Russian hackers to monitor employees and search DCCC files.

18 April: GRU agents use their access to the DCCC network to hack the computers of the Democratic National Committee.


April 18: Mifsud introduces Papadopoulos to a connection to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

April 26: Papadopoulos meets Mifsud. Papadopoulos later said that it was said in this meeting that the Russians had "dirt" on Hillary in the form of "thousands of emails." At a victory speech of the primary night the same day, Trump said, "We are going to have a good relationship with Putin and Russia".

May 4: Papadopoulos reports to the campaign that the Russians are "open to cooperation".

May 19-20: Manafort is promoted to campaign president and chief strategist.

May 21: Papadopoulos transmits the email of "cooperation" to Manafort.


May 25 to June 1: GRU accesses the Microsoft Exchange server of the DNC and bombs thousands of DNC emails.


June 3: A Trump associate with Russian connections sends emails to Donald Trump Jr. offering "very high-level and sensitive information" that would "incriminate" Hillary "like" part of Russia and his government "Trump Jr responds:" If that is what you say, I love it especially later in the summer. "Donald Trump said at from an event in California, "Would not it be nice if we really got along with Russia? It would not be good?

June 7: Trump Jr.
sets up a meeting between Manafort, Jared Kushner, and a contingent of Russians. The Trump candidate promises: "I will deliver a major speech on Monday probably next week, and we will discuss everything that has happened with the Clintons."


June 8: GRU launches the DCLeaks website and creates the Facebook and Twitter pages of DCLeaks.


9 June: The Trump Tower meeting takes place.


Jun 12: Julian Assange of Wikileaks tells an interviewer that his organization has "emails related to Hillary Clinton awaiting publication."

June 14: The New York Times reports that the DNC was hacked by Russian government-sponsored hackers.

June 15: Guccifer 2.0 sits at the GRU head office and starts publishing hacked emails. According to Friday 's indictment, Guccifer 2.0 was a number of Russian conspirators working together. As evidence of this, the special advocate cited research conducted by members of one of the English terms GRU hacker teams that ended up a few hours later in the initial WordPress blog of Guccifer 2.0 .


June 15: "Too bad the D.C. does not hijack the 33,000 missing emails from Crooked Hillary," Trump said in a statement.

June 20: The Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, is fired and Manafort is placed in the lead.


June 22: Wikileaks contacts Guccifer 2.0 with a request: "[s] end all new material [stolen from DNC] here for review and will have a much greater impact than what you are doing. "

6 July: Wikileaks messages Guccifer 2.0 again: "if you have something related hillary we want it in the next days [ sic ] prefable [ sic ] because The DNC [Democratic National Convention] is coming up and she will be strengthening the supporters behind her. "Guccifer 2.0 responds," ok … I see. "Wikileaks responds," we think Trump only has a 25% chance of winning against Hillary .. So conflict between Bernie and Hillary are interesting. "

July 15: Guccifer 2.0 tells WikiLeaks how to access stolen hardware.

July 18: Wikileaks confirms that it has accessed "1Gb or more archive" and will publish data "this week."

July 22: On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, as promised, Wikileaks publishes the 20,000 DNC emails stolen by the GRU, highlighting emails that Julian Assange claims show that Clinton stole the primary of Sanders with the help of the Democratic National Committee.


July 24: Donald Trump Jr. calls for the suggestion that Russia could support his father's campaign with a "disgusting" lie.

25 July: Trump Candidate tweets : "The new joke in town is that Russia has leaked the disastrous DNC emails, which should never have been written (stupid ), because Putin likes me "

July 27: Manafort says it's "absurd" to suggest that Russia could work to help Trump. Meanwhile, Trump is asking for help from Russia, saying, "Russia, if you listen, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."


July 27: The GRU launches a new cyberattack on the email accounts used by Hillary Clinton's personal office.

IN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN [2999056] July 29: Kilimnik asks for a meeting with Manafort, sending Trump's campaign manager an email purporting to be about a Russian oligarch and a close Putin ally to whom the campaign director must Millions of dollars: I met today the guy who gave you your biggest pot of black caviar many years ago. "

July 31: Trump wrongly says that Russia is not going to Ukraine. (They had already invaded Crimea.)

August 2: Manafort and Kilimnik meet at the Grand Havana Club in New York.

August 14: The New York Times reports the undisclosed lobbying for which Manafort is accused and for which he is about to be tried.

August 15: Trump says that he no longer considers NATO to be obsolete.


Aug. 15: Guccifer 2.0 writes Roger Stone, Trump Partner: "Thank you for answering … Do you find anything interesting in the papers I have published?

August 17: Guccifer 2.0 Stone writes: "Please tell me if I can help you anyway … it would be a great pleasure for me."


Aug. 19: Manafort resigns. Steve Bannon is at the head of the Trump campaign.


Seven. 9: Guccifer 2.0 writes Stone to ask a question about democratic participation patterns. Stone answers "pretty standard".

October 7: Wikileaks starts publishing the Podesta emails provided by Guccifer 2.0.


Oct. 9: In a presidential debate, Trump says, "I do not know Putin, I think it would be nice if we got along with Russia because we could fight ISIS together, by example, but I do not know Putin. "

November 8: Donald Trump is elected president.

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