Trump said that he was going to meet Putin with "low expectations" – the world


US leader promises nothing wrong with this meeting

US President Donald Trump is expecting little meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to be held on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland.

This is a US leader said in an interview with CBS channel.

"I ride with low expectations, I do not go with high expectations," he said.

Asked about his purpose at a meeting with Putin, Donald Trump said, "I will let you know after the meeting," promising "nothing wrong".

"I think it's a good match, I think the meeting with Kim, the leader of the DPRK, was good, and I think the meeting with the Chinese president is a very good thing, I think it's fine. "Nothing bad will come out of it, and maybe something will come out," said the president of the United States.

Video Ukraine, Syria and nuclear weapons. Trump and Putin discussing at a meeting

The meeting of Trump and Putin did not break out after another spying scandal. After the special prosecutor Müller investigated Russia's interference in the US elections, he called 12 Russian intelligence officers who, according to the investigation, broke the computer system and stole data during the American election campaign. But for Trump this did not result in the cancellation of the plans.

  The Ukraine, Syria and nuclear weapons. What will Trump and Putin say during the meeting

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