Severe thunderstorm warnings in torrential rain, 60 km / h winds in Massachusetts


A violent thunderstorm warning is in effect in northeastern Suffolk County, in southern Essex and in northeastern Middlesex County. 30 hours, the National Weather Service said. A separate warning for counties Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester is in effect until 2:45 pm

A line of storms that stretches from Georgetown to Acton was moving east to 35 mph from 1:33 pm, according to the National Weather Service. Zones in the path of storms could experience wind gusts of 60 mph.

A weather observer at Topsfield on Tuesday recorded a quarter-inch of rain falling in a 6-minute period.

The agency advises people on the way of storms to move to an interior room on the top floor of a building.

Elsewhere in Central and Northeast Mass, a severe thunderstorm is in effect until 19 hours [19659002] A cold front penetrating into a hot, humid air mass will continue to trigger a series Severe and violent storms this afternoon and tonight, announced the National Weather Service. Storms could be torrential rains and potentially damaging winds.

Dry weather is forecast for the rest of the week.

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