Photo: eso.org
First high-quality photo of Neptune from the Earth
For the first time, Earth astronomers were able to obtain qualitative photos of Neptune. Previously, the planet could only be removed by Hubble.
Scientists have found a way to create clear images of distant objects in space from ground observatories. For this, the noise generated by fine particles did not allow a high quality shot.
With the help of the new technology of "laser stars", astronomers photographed Neptune for the first time with a precision of the orbital telescope Hubble . Relevant studies have been published on the website of the European Southern Observatory.
Astronomers used "laser stars" – artificially illuminated by a laser with a wave of certain objects of length. This radiation "neutralizes" the atoms in the Earth's atmosphere that create noise.
This method will allow scientists to study the chemical composition of cosmic bodies moderately far away from the Earth.
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