Scientists: A Classical Modern Period in the History of the Earth


  Scientists: The most recent period in the history of the Earth is ranked

The International Stratigraphy Commission (ICS) has announced a new temporal division which will now appear on all official maps reflecting the geological past of Earth. (4200 years old) was officially classified as the new chapter in the history of Earth – the Meghalayan era.

The beginning of this period was the global drought, which had detrimental consequences for the ancient civilizations of Egypt and China. The most recent period in the history of the Earth, the "meghalajskaya" era, is the last part of a longer period known as the Holocene, representing the 11,700 last years of the existence of the planet

. sediments. The stalagmite, found in the Indian state of Meghalaya, clearly demonstrated the corresponding changes in the new unit and thus gave its name to a new era.

Some scientists opposed the attribution of Meghalaya. on human activity – "Anthropocene".

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