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Scientists from the University of Adelaide (Australia) have come up with a quantum battery for iPhone that can instantly charge up to 100% without thread.
"The latest technology will charge smartphones, tablets and other mobile electronic devices in less than a second in the near future", – said the head of the James research team Cook,
Quantum Charge b Attachments depend directly on the number of blocks from which they are composed. This means that the more blocks are used in the design of the battery, the faster the charge will be.
"If you need an hour to charge the battery consisting of a quantum block, the charge of both units will take 30 minutes, three – 20 minutes, etc. As a result, if the battery of the smartphone contains 10,000 quantum blocks, it will not exceed a second at the time of its charge, – the scientist explains
The production process of such a battery requires a lot of expenses and some conditions , extremely low temperature and absolute sterility, making it difficult to launch a full series production.However, the first working prototype of such a battery will be presented in the next six months.
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