Maradona is going to marry a girlfriend who is twice as young as him


Legendary Argentine footballer Diego Maradona makes a proposal to his 28-year-old friend Rosio Olivia

A famous Argentine footballer and president of Dynamo Brest Diego Maradona will play a wedding.

A 57-year-old football official makes an offer to his friend Rosio The olive who responded with his consent

Read: In Argentina he has Maradona and Messi

C & Has arrived at a party in Buenos Aires dedicated to Rosio's birthday, reports redcadadiamas.

Rosio Oliva – in the past profession on the footballer, played for several clubs in Argentina

Maradona met Rosio in 2012 after a divorce with the first wife of Claudia Villafan with whom she had been married for 17 years.

In 2014, Maradona had already made an offer to Oleu, but the couple with the scandal divorced. He accused her of stealing watches and jewels, but then withdrew her claim.

Earlier, Diego Maradona, journalist was arrested trying to lead in state & # 39; drunkenness

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PCEtLSAvNTgzMDI4NDQvU0xEU19mYWt0eV9jb250ZW50X2Jhbm5lciAtLT4NC jxkaXYgaWQ9J2Rpdi1ncHQtYWQtMTQ4MjQ4NjM1NDE4Mi0wJz4NCjxzY3JpcHQ + DQpnb29nbGV0YWcuY21kLnB1c2goZnVuY3Rpb24oKSB7IGdvb2dsZXRhZy5kaXNwbGF5KCdkaXYtZ3B0LWFkLTE0ODI0ODYzNTQxODItMCcpOyB9KTsNCjwvc2NyaXB0Pg0K PC9kaXY +

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