Twenty One Pilots released a video for a new song, Nico and the Niners, filmed in Kyiv.
The video director has become Andrew Donocho. The clip was filmed in Kiev – in the frames one can see the building of the faculty of cybernetics of the university them. Taras Shevchenko
The video shows how singer Tyler Joseph is preparing a backpack and meets drummer Josh Dana on the town square where they shake hands before joining a group of rebels and interpreting a rapga reggae song
Read: Kamensky and Uspenska recorded a common song – You have not forgotten
The clip is the second part of the history of bishops and rebels, started in a clip on the Jumpsuit track. In the near future, the musicians will promise to release the final episode of this story
. The composition will be included in the fifth studio album Trench group whose release is scheduled for October 5.
Recall January 2019 at the Sports Palace in Kiev.
Photos Capture & # 39; video screen
[vidéo] 19659011 twenty-one drivers
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