Anthony Joshua's promoter, Eddie Hearn, called the estimated date for a possible fight against Alexander Usik
There seems to be a desire to box with Joshua, including Usik. He intends to fight Joshua, and we think about how he can help with that. Ukrainians will have to go through Tony Belle first. The Alexander team understands that there are other candidates for the fight with Joshua. They are ready to fight big heavyweight battles. Fight Usik – Joshua could be held in April. Joshua himself wants to fight with Usik, he wants to test himself against someone brilliant. And he believes such whiskey, – said Hyrn, reports UNIAN.
Read: Drop the whip and finish the career – Belly
Recall, July 21 Alexander Usik won in the final of the World Boxing Super Series and became the absolute world champion for WBO, WBC, IBF and WBA and took the Mohammed Ali Cup.
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