The Ukrainian Premier League has published rule changes on the procedure to define the teams' places in the Urals Championship.
The Ukrainian Premier League issued changes to the rules on the procedure to determine the places of the teams in the championship. This is reported on the official organization .
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Excerpt from the regulations of the Ukrainian football competition among the teams of the Ukrainian Prime Minister -Legions of the season 2018 / 19:
In case of equality of points in two and / or more teams, the places of the teams are determined by the following indicators:
- 3.1. the greater the number of points scored in personal matches between these teams is large
- 3.2. the best difference between goals scored and missed between these teams
- 3.3. the greater the number of goals scored between these teams,
- 3.4. best difference between goals and goals missed in all matches
- 3.5. the highest number of goals scored in all matches.
For the equality of these indicators to determine the winner of the championship held a gold match. The decision on the venue and the time of the start of the gold match is taken by the Direction of the ULR. The team leader of the field is determined by a draw conducted by the Directorate.
The corresponding changes came into force at the beginning of the 2018/1919 season
Previously, KFC FFU prevented Donetsk Shakhtar Ismaili from playing two matches. 19659003] Photos UNIAN.
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