This is the closest distance between planets in the last 15 years.
The red planet will look super-bright / NASA
On July 31st Mars will approach the Earth at a distance of 0.39 astronomical units, or 57.8 million km [19659004Thisistheclosestsupportforplanetsinthelast15yearscomparedtoNASA'sofficialwebsite
This means that the red planet will look super-bright and it will be hard to miss the night sky from July 27th to July 30th. The point in the orbit of Mars will approach Earth and be closest to Earth on July 31. This is called the great confrontation of the planets
Mars will shine on the sky of the earth a very bright red star of magnitude -2.8, giving only the brilliance of Venus, making the red planet a very object interesting for observations in a small telescope.
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Pot It is ridiculous to note that since Earth and Mars have elliptical orbits and are slightly inclined the one in relation to the other, all the convergence of the planets is unequal. The minimum distance between Earth and Mars is about 55.75 million kilometers, but such an indicator is extremely rare. The last time the planet was shaken to such a distance of nearly 60 thousand years, and the next time that such a distance between the planets will be in 2287.
The big previous confrontation of Mars was on 28 August 2003. At that time, the distance between the planets dropped to almost 55.8 million km. In October 2020, there is another convergence of planets, but the distance between them will be greater than today.
In this case, the Earth and Mars are aligned in opposition about once every two years. That is why most NASA missions on the red planet are separated by two-year intervals to enjoy a closer distance
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