Nibiru will destroy everything that lives on Earth, even without collision


If the planet Nibiru faces Earth, it is threatened with total destruction. For many millions of years, the remains of Earth will wander in the orbit. The researchers believe that even if the Earth manages to avoid a collision with the planet X, it is very likely that humanity will not be able to survive.

The fact that previous scientists had predicted the passage of Nibiru near the Earth's orbit. If this happens, planetary cataclysms will begin. Scientists predict a tsunami of a height of 200 meters, flooding in all coastal cities, a hurricane wind at 400 km / h, a displacement of lithospheric plates and volcano eruptions. According to experts, the planet will survive only a thousand and perhaps hundreds of people and animals. However, scientists have pointed out that, throughout its existence, the Earth has been exposed several times to the greatest cataclysms.

Most living organisms are regularly destroyed, but life on the planet is reborn later. Experts do not rule out that the enigmatic planet Nibiru, and a completely different factor, can become the cause of large-scale cataclysms on Earth. In any case, sooner or later a disaster will occur.

Previously, we wrote that the unknown planet was influencing the eruption of volcanoes throughout the solar system, thus causing the end of the world. In addition, he has the ability to "suck" a lava from the bowels of the earth.

Yes, NASA scientists are convinced that Nibiru – is a planet in a planetary system operated by the star of Nemesis, which possesses a gigantic gravitational force. 19659004] The star of Nemesis influences Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Venus and even our Sun.

Due to gravitational influences, the volcano has intensified on the Io satellite of Jupiter and on the Venus that became active, Idun Mons. But this is not all – on the Sun marked the magnetic storms of strong lava eruptions, which in turn sent harmful waves and rays to the Earth.

Remember that the Nibiru killer can be seen with the naked eye

As reported "Know. Ua", a dangerous object rushes to Earth.

Also, Know.u "writes that he is already visible to the naked eye as he approaches the Earth.

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