In the United States, a cartoon featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin and superheroes Superman and Firestorm. They are featured in the eighth issue of the comedy Doomsday Clock – the cursor of the "Guards" of DC's main universe.
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The release begins with a tragedy on Red Square in Moscow: the superhero Fire Storms can control molecules under the time of battle with Russian opponents accidentally turned the crowd into glass.
To read also: The Polish newspaper published a poster with Putin bearing the pseudo "cyclone B" and SS signs
After the incident, Putin publicly stated that the United States destabilize the situation on Annie's international plan, creating an army of superlyudey.
The story of the cartoon, Superman comes to Russia and met Putin and goes to search Fayerstorma. The latter was found in Canada, but Superman had to persuade him to revive residents of Red Square.
A firestorm accidentally turned the Russian into ice
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Comics show hot events on Krasny Square in Moscow
Putin appears in a very critical comic book speech delivered in the United States
Superman Controversy for Putin
Superman Commemoration for Putin
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