Arizona Senator Jon Kyl resigns, resulting in a new appointment at McCain Headquarters


  Jon Kyl "title =" Jon Kyl "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images </p>
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Senator GOP Jon Kyl was appointed earlier this year to replace the late Senator John McCain 19659005] By JAMES ARKIN

Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) Will resign at the end of this year, forcing Republican Governor Doug Ducey to appoint a new Headquarters Replacement of the late Senator John McCain prior to the 2020 Special Elections to fill the terms of the last two years of McCain's term.

Kyl sent a letter to Ducey on Wednesday announcing his resignation effective at the end of the month.

from the story below

"When I accepted your appointment, I agreed to finish the work of the 115th Congress, and then reevaluate by continuing to serve", writes Kyl. "I concluded that it would be better if I de mission so that your new appointed member begins the new term with all other senators in January 2018 and can serve a sentence of two (potentially four) years. "

Ducey's office said in a statement that the governor will appoint another replacement in the near future Martha McSally, GOP party representative, who lost a campaign to the other Arizona Senate seat Earlier this year, and Kirk Adams, Ducey's former chief of staff and former president of the Arizona House.

"Senator Kyl did not need to return to the Senate. His legacy as one of the most influential and influential political figures in Arizona was already indisputable, "said Ducey." But he came back and I am deeply grateful for his willingness to resume duty and serve again when Arizona needs it. "

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