Death of the father of Russian singer Alexander Malinin


In the family of Russian singer Alexander Malinin, there was a tragedy. Recently, the father of the artist is deceased. At Malinin he had a rather tense relationship with him. The singer even refused to attend his father's funeral.

Russian media talk about it

Alexander Malinin gave a concert on the day of his father's funeral, Mykola Vizugov. The artist did not cancel the event and thus missed the funeral.

The widow of the late Visugova described some details of Malinin's life. According to Viguzov, Father Malinin never managed to make peace with his son. The famous singer was shocked by the announcement of the death of his native, but did not abolish the trip abroad for the funeral.

"They did not even argue with him, they just did not talk to each other." It turns out that Alexander did not come to his house, he did not call. "Of course, when Nikolai Stepanovich died, I called his sons: Alexander and the young Oleg." said that he could not attend the funeral because he was abroad, and that Oleg came in. Sons have helped the money, I do not know who has already been handed over there, "said the late singer's father's wife.

Alexander Malinin himself comments on the tragedy only gives The artist also does not talk about the conflict with his father, noting only that they have not been talking for many years for a good reason. "At the same time, Viguzov's wife said that his sons had nothing to offend their father, despite the fact that he had left the family, he was still helping his ex-wife and children.

"What kind of picture did he have about his father? But he was not doing well … Nikolay Stepanovich did not throw Sasha nor his brother." This is not insulting, they never even fought. "It's shameful that Alexander communicates with his father, a simple worker, not an oligarch! We went to Sasha several times for a concert, so he never gave anything good to his father nor to his mother, but his wife is cool and the fact that the dining room is sitting in his room all the same ", – said his mother-in-law Malinin.

Father Malinin has been sick for a long time. About a year ago, a man had a stroke and, in the last months of his life, he dreamed of making peace with his star son, but he could not do it.

Previously, "" recently wrote that popular Russian artist, pop singer Alexander Malinin and his daughter Ustin presented themselves as sarcastic comments from network users.

Also, "" wrote that the Lorak supporter was accused of shameless lie.

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