Sometimes when we look at very nice children, puppies or kittens, there is a desire to kiss them a lot. It is a "cute aggression" and scientists have already found the explanation.
A study by American scientists from the University of California published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, writes Naked Science
. . Each of them showed 128 pictures of cute babies and animals. They were divided into four groups: small and adult animals, regular images of babies and "enhanced" photos in children's photo editors, so that they looked even more cute.
After showing the pictures, each participant asked a number of questions about his feelings from what he saw – he would like them. "take care" of these babies or animals. The results of the study coincided with the experience of scientists from Yale University – "cute aggression" is not characteristic of all people: some were more sensitive feelings of enthusiasm and "mercy", while others felt nothing like it. feels a strong emotion but expresses the opposite: for example, he cries when he is very happy or laughs wildly when something is very upset. 74% of people admitted to having done it at least once in their life, that is, the action was based on momentum.
Scientists believe that "cute aggression" can be seen as a corrective reaction of the brain that is, a penetrating shield. in action to protect us when, when we see something too cute, our rewards system starts to get out of hand.
Such aggression can be an extinction mechanism that allows a person to function and take care of someone who causes it. feelings of emotion.
Experts believe that "cute aggression I" can be stronger than nice children, if a person has his own child.
Scientists will continue to explore this effect and try to understand why not everyone is exposed to this phenomenon.
Remember that stressful events that occur in the evening release fewer stress hormones, unlike morning experiences.
According to the portal "Know.u", Japanese researchers from the University of Kagoshimi under laboratory conditions have demonstrated the soothing properties of lavender.
Moreover, "Know.u" writes that the smell of a partner can calm a woman who is in this situation.
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