Captain Marvel, the Marvel film studio and Hollywood actress Brie Larson have completed their shoot and presented the second official trailer of the fantastic superhero movie.
The new trailer was posted on the YouTube channel Movieclips Trailers 25
See also: Captain Marvel: First movie trailer about a superhero woman
A movie about a super woman -Heroes – Carol Denvers, pilot of the US Air Force, who, thanks to the fusion with the DNA of a warrior of a foreign race, will become a superhero Kap Tang Marvel The Movie events will take place as early as the 1990s
Let's add, in the movie "Avengers: The War of the Infinite" (2018), one of the heroes will send him the last message through the pager to save the universe from mass genocide. 19659004] In addition to Brie Larson, actors Samuel Leary Jackson, Jimon Gons, Jude Law and many others also played in the band.
The world premiere of the film "Captain Marvel" will take place in March 2019.
Captain Marvel 2019: Watch the movie's trailer
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