Xiaomi prepares for the F2 pocophone: looks like a new smartphone


The new smartphone will be called Pocophone F2, the first photo of the future flagship product is already published

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The P2 processor will be obsolete Photo: Akket

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The Pocophone F2 will have an outdated processor. Photo: Akket

The cheapest lighthouse, the Xiaomi Pocophone F1, has become a world-class bestseller for its affordability and powerful equipment, making it the world's most popular 2018 smartphone. Inspired by this success, the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi has launched the production of a new smartphone in the range Pocophone

The future model will be called Pocophone F2 and the first photo of the future flagship product has already appeared on the network. Opposite, we see an elegant and elongated screen with a cutout in the center. The back of the smartphone brings nothing radically new and, in front of us, is a vertical dual camera unit and, below, a fingerprint sensor.


First photo of the pocophone F2

Photo: Trending Leaks [196519659010] The first results of the Geekbench reference performances were also received, which showed unexpectedly the presence of the high-end Snapdragon 845 processor from last year – this solution is probably due to the need to leave an attractive price, while the Snapdragon 855 would have a negative impact on the cost. ] We know that the Xiaomi Pocophone F2 will be equipped with 6 GB of RAM. rational memory and will be available with the Android operating system preinstalled 9.0 Pie. When it is time to wait for the first of the smartphone, this is not reported.

Recall that it was previously known that Xiaomi was secretly developing a smartphone giant. Also recently, the manufacturer launched a cheap Mi Play smartphone with a cut-out on the screen and released the latest MIUI 10 – we have compiled a list of supported smartphones.
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