The Japanese Prime Minister is committed not to relocate the Russians during the transmission of Kuriles – information on UNN


KYIV. January 2nd UNN. The transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan should take place so that the Russians living on this territory agree with it. That's what Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in an interview with Asahi TV, informing UNN .

"This (possible transfer of the islands of Japan) must unfold in such a way that the Russians have agreed to live there with the transition of belonging (territories) to Japan", – told reporters Abe. The politician stressed that negotiations with Russia from the beginning do not go from the point of view of "going back and forth" and take into account the position of the Russians. Kuril Islands. "As we find ourselves at a critical moment, we will endeavor to resolve the diplomatic problems of post-war Japan," said the Prime Minister.

At the end of December, Mr. Abe said that he was planning to meet with Vladimir Putin about the conclusion of a peace treaty next month. According to Mainichi sources in the Japanese government, a meeting of the leaders countries could take place on 21 January.

Reminder, Japan has announced its decision to restore the commercial production of cetaceans.

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