January 2019 Horoscope for all signs of the zodiac


According to the astrologer, the first month of 2019 will be lucky for Capricorns, Teresam, Aries and Cancers. Do not be lucky this month for Virgin, Fish, Twins and Sagittarius.

  Stars promise success to Capricorns / photo rabstol.net

Stars promise success to Capricorns / photo rabstol.net

In the first month of 2019, luck will be accompanied by Capricorns, Scales, Rakov and Aries. Virgo, Sagittarius, fish and twins The month of January will not be very favorable.

This commentary by Glavred told the astrologer Vlad Ross

Capricorn Capricorn in January, especially at the end of the year they will be able to break down all the walls, overcome all obstacles, to seek their own goals and to achieve their goals, particularly in terms of work and career. Capricorns will have a great chance to change their lives and activities.

Scales. The month of January will be favorable for the scales, which will be a great success, especially in travel and in all areas related to real estate. In addition, they will all be well in their family business: they should be united, consistent, have warm relationships with loved ones, participate in family events. Moreover, in January, they can expect to move from one country to another or from one city to another, and these relocations will be favorable.

Aries. Aries waits for a brilliant time, this will particularly affect their business. Mars will enter the zodiac sign of Aries, which means that representatives of this sign will have powerful energy throughout the month. Much of what Aries has not had time to do in 2018 will be able to "roll out" early in 2019, and with great probability – with quite a bit of success. They expect success in new businesses, in spontaneous and unexpected decisions.

Cancer. A good situation will be in January and in the zodiac sign of cancer. They will develop all long-term plans and develop long-term business partnership trends. It will be a very long-term trend – with a vision for the years to come. In addition, cancers will have huge placement opportunities. It would seem that in this regard, January is an unfavorable month for all, but for Cancer, everything will be the opposite: it will be easy for them to find a new job.

Virgo. The most difficult situation in January awaits representatives of this zodiac sign. Virgins will have all the problems. They can expect a decline in position. Their initiative is punished and their failures will follow "shots on the spot". Virgo is best to relax, rest and not excite. The astrologer recommends to the virgins to go relax somewhere in January

Twins. Gemini is waiting for a very critical period: disputes, quarrels, controversies, litigation, financial blows, illusions, false beliefs and deceptions. A very difficult moon in every way.

Fish. An unsuccessful January will be for the zodiac sign of the fish. They will be subject to all sorts of manipulations. The secret enemies of the fish in January could take power. Complicated situations are possible with relatives and relatives, until the fish can quarrel, disperse and forget the existence of these people (it can not only act as married, but also children-parents, parents, brothers and sisters).

Sagittarius In January, Sagittarians will have many plans and plans, but they will all withstand insurmountable obstacles, meet the walls and obstacles on their way. They will have many unpredictable situations. All will have the opposite and not what they would like.

According to astrologers, the neutral month will be Aquarius, Lviv, Scorpio, and Taurus.

Aquarius. With regard to the turning of Uranus in Aquarius in the first half of January, everything will happen unexpectedly "in the costume", everything will be fine: everything will be fine "at the Christmas tree", everything is going well will pass in love … In the Aquarius, in the first half of the month so – "the catcher and the short animal". But in the second half of the month, luck can leave Aquarius. It will be an unfortunate moment to start new business and important changes in life. In addition, at this time, Aquarius can be caught by friends, so they must be very careful because friends can easily become enemies.

Leo. Lions will be the opposite: the first half of the month will not be. At this point, it is better for them to "climb to the bottom" and to rest, to love and forget about business. Lions are players in kind, but in the first half of the month, it is better not to play them because they can easily lose a lot of money if they are too enthusiastic. However, the second half of January, especially last week, will be successful: expanding opportunities, opening a business, favorable coincidence, ending up in work, activity, successful workplace change.

Scorpio. The month of Scorpions will be contrasted: the first half of January will be favorable and the second, not very. Then, in the first fortnight of the month, they expect the unexpected turn of destiny, success, favorable situations associated with financial contributions, luck in fatal and karmically inevitable situations, a love encounter (Venus will continue its movement with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, so that the representatives of this sign may fall in love, especially at Christmas, on certain festive occasions.)

Taurus. In Taurus, the moon will be in contrast and the first half of it will be categorically unfavorable to the mass of unexpected situations and unpleasant surprises. And it is only towards the end of January that Taurus will find himself in a good position to be able to search his destination safely, especially in terms of partnership, money, love and enrichment.
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