Warren, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that there were" many different problems in Afghanistan and what seems to be the response of the foreign policy establishment? Stay indefinitely. This is not a policy. We can not do that. "
Warren noted that US troops had been in Afghanistan for 17 years and that the support of their allies would be crucial during the withdrawal.
"When you retire, you have to withdraw as part of a plan, you must know what you are trying to try." Warren said, "That's why we need Allies. "
When asked if she was troubled by the nature of the president's announcement by tweet, Warren said," Are you asking me if I think or not that foreign policy should be conducted by tweet? The answer is no, it should not. "
Warren stated that the United States should" plan this and discuss with its allies how we guarantee greater security and stability in the region. "[19659007] The senator said that it was necessary to continue to keep troops "forever and forever part of the world … it does not work, and claiming that, in the future, it will work with an unmeasured version , it's a form of fantasy in which we simply can not afford to continue. "
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