Russia will have to invest an additional 3 billion rubles in the Kerch Bridge because of the designers' mistake


Today, 11:26


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When designing Russian specialists using incorrect data

Photo: MinTOT

When designing access roads to the Kerch Bridge, the Lenpromtransproekt specialists made a costly mistake. billion rubles to the Russian Federation ($ 44 million

As it turned out, the existing soil can not be used to equip the embankment under the railroad railway, because it is very different from that of

Read also: Along the weirs of the Kerch Bridge fell into the strait – video

In addition, in the railway tunnel built near the colony from Zhovtneve, an unplanned trip occurred near the site of archaeological excavations of Biele, the breed that damaged the tuning of the tunnel

In the ministry, they noted that this delayed the execution of all construction work , including com took the cancellation of the call for tenders for the electrification of the section of the railway bridge crossing the Kerch Strait.

erchenskyy bridge that connects the mainland of occupied Russia Crimea.

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