The bizarre case of the ex-sailor accused of espionage by Russia


An American arrested in Russia last week was officially charged with espionage, the Russian news agency Interfax reported on Thursday. If he is found guilty of these charges, he could incur up to 20 years in prison.

The last update of the bizarre case of Paul Whelan, aged 48, comes almost a week after his arrest in Moscow. Here is what we know about him and his situation up to now.

Who is Paul Whelan?

Whelan, an American citizen, was born in Canada to British parents who moved his family to Michigan soon after his birth, according to the Detroit Free Press. He has a twin brother, David Whelan, who has served as spokesperson for his family.

He is currently overseeing the global safety of Michigan auto parts maker BorgWarner in Auburn Hills, Michigan, according to a statement released Tuesday by the company. He also runs an online firearms business called Kingsmead Arsenal. Public records indicate that his address appears on Whelan's apartment in Novi, Michigan.

  Paul Whelan is fired from the United States Marine Corps in 2008 as a result of a special court martial. He had already identified

family document

Paul Whelan was demobilized from the US Marine Corps in 2008 following a special court martial. He had previously identified himself as a former sheriff's deputy, which was challenged by local authorities.

In 2013, he claimed to have been a police officer in the city of Chelsea, Michigan, and a deputy to the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department. However, Mark Ptaszek, Washtenaw County's sub-heir, contacted Thursday by HuffPost, said there was no record of Whelan having ever been employed in this locality. The Chelsea Police Department and Whelan's family did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Records obtained by the Detroit Free Press show that he joined the Marine Reserve in 1994 and was deployed to Iraq in 2004 and 2006. He was convicted Special Court Martial in 2008 for attempted robbery, breach of duty, false statement, use of another person's social security number, and check and cashing of checks without sufficient funds. He received a discharge for misconduct.

In the years following his appointment, he was employed by the international recruitment firm Kelly Services. During his testimony in 2013, he identified himself as a senior executive in global security and investigations for the company.

A spokesman for the company, in a statement to HuffPost, confirmed his employment as of 2001 and stated that "all relevant aspects of his job application have been verified appropriately. "

" Mr. Whelan remained an employee of Kelly Services until 2016, including his military leave. We have no information suggesting that Mr. Whelan ever went to Russia for business with Kelly, "reads the statement. "Out of respect for Mr. Whelan and his family, we have no other comments."

  Whelan is an American citizen but was born in Canada to British parents. His family moved to Michigan soon after him and hi

family photo

Whelan is an American citizen but was born in Canada to British parents. His family moved to Michigan shortly after he was born with his twin brother.

What happened in Russia?

Whelan was arrested on Friday while allegedly conducting a "spy mission" in Moscow, according to a statement released Monday by the Russian Federal Security Service, the Russian security agency.

He was arrested in his hotel room while he reportedly met a Russian citizen on obtaining classified information concerning staff members of various Russian agencies, reported the New York Times, quoting a report from the Russian news agency Rosbalt. Whelan allegedly received a USB key containing a list of employees of a security agency filed a few minutes before his arrest. He is being held in solitary confinement at Lefortovo prison in Moscow

The Whelan family, in a statement issued on Twitter, said that he was in Moscow to attend the marriage of another Marine retiree.

"His innocence is unquestionable and we hope his rights will be respected," said his family.

  Whelan was arrested on Friday while he was conducting a "spy mission" in Moscow, according to a Russian authority


According to Russian authorities, Whelan was arrested on Friday while he was conducting a "spy mission" in Moscow. His family denies being a spy.

What are Paul Whelan's links with Russia?

Whelan has already traveled to Russia and documented his travels on a personal website whose list is updated in 2009. He also has a personal profile on the Russian social network site. Vkontakte. This profile is listed as last activated on December 28th, when it was stopped. His status is "Next step, Moscow …"

According to the Times' review of his connections to the site, most of his contacts at Vkontakte are men with links to academies run by the Russian Navy, ministry. defense or civil aviation authorities.

What was the reaction of the United States?

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he had asked for explanations about Whelan's detention and that he would demand his release if an inappropriate response was given.

Whelan's defense lawyer, Vladimir A. Zherebenkov, told The Associated Press Whelan on Wednesday and found him in a "very optimistic" mood. He added that he had also asked to be released on bail.

US. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman also visited Whelan in prison on Wednesday.

Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.), Taking office Thursday, said in a statement that she had committed to working with Whelan's family to bring him home.

"Paul has served our country as navy and law enforcement and we must ensure that Russia continues to fulfill its obligations under the Vienna Convention, namely to allow representatives to access Mr. Whelan, "she said." I work with the State Department and I will remain vigilant until Paul returns to safety in his family in the United States. " Michigan. "

  The Russian gun rights activist, Maria Butina, pleaded guilty to having acted as a secret agent of the Russian government in December.


In December, Maria Butina, a Russian gun rights activist, pleaded guilty to having acted as a secret agent of the Russian government.

What is Paul Whelan's relationship with Maria Butina?

Some have suggested that Whelan's arrest was a response to Russian gunwoman Maria Butina, who pleaded guilty last month to conspiring against the United States as a Kremlin agent. Butina, who has remained behind bars since July, has still not been sentenced.

She risks up to five years in prison followed by deportation, although she is more likely to be sentenced to a prison term ranging from zero to six months. This agreement is based on its cooperation with the American forces of order.

Whelan's attorney told The Times that he would be open to an exchange of prisoners, saying to the newspaper: "I hope we can save and bring home a Russian soul. " 19659041]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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