Scientists have invented a way to read thoughts


Researchers in the Netherlands, Germany and the United States used computer models based on neural networks to reconstruct words and sentences by reading cerebral signals. To do this, they observed parts of the brain at those times when people read aloud, uttered words, or simply listened to recordings.

This is reported by the journal Science,

"We are trying to develop a scheme of artificial neurons that are turned on and off in this interpretation of these speech signals, individually for each person, so should allow computer algorithms to "understand" how to proceed, "said Nima Mesgarani of Columbia University.

experts used data, received from five people with epilepsy. The network has analyzed the "behavior" of the auditory cortex (which is active both during speech and while listening). Then the computer rebuilt the linguistic data from the impulses obtained from these people. As a result, the algorithm had a precision of up to 75%.

Another team of scientists led by the neuroscientist Miguel Angrik from the University of Bremen in Germany and by Christian Herf from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, relying on data from six people who underwent surgery to remove the tumor from the main. the brain The microphone captured their voices when they read simple words aloud. At this time, the electrodes recorded information from the speech centers of the brain. The network compared the electrode readings with the audio recordings. As a result, about 40% of the data was correctly recognized.

The third team at the University of California at San Francisco reconstructed complete sentences based on the brain activity of three patients with epilepsy who read certain sentences out loud. Some sentences have been correctly identified in more than 80% of cases.

Despite fairly good results, the system is still in its infancy and needs to be further refined. But if all goes well, hundreds of thousands of people around the world will be able to talk again.

Remember, scientists at the Australian Institute of Neurological Research have discovered a new structure in the human brain called endoestiform core. The function of this part is still unknown, although it has not been detected by other primates.

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