In Poland, five teenage girls were killed during a fire in the Hall of Fame


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Another young man severely burned went to the hospital.

  Mourning and cancellation of all entertainment events  photo

The city was mourned and canceled all entertainment events photo Zaxid .net

Read also In Poland, a bus was hijacked: 24 people. a woman died

According to "Polish Radio", yesterday, January 4, a fire broke out in Koszalin, killing five people and seriously wounding one person.

The head of the Ministry of the Interior, Joachim Brudzinsky, that the victims of the tragedy are "fifteen-year-old girls who took part in the anniversary of the d & # 39; between them". In addition, a severely burned injured person was taken to hospital

According to reports, the girls were closed in a room to open when they discovered all the tasks But at that time they were only part of them.

Currently the cause of the whole fire. The city was mourned and canceled all entertainment events.

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