UEFA has cleared Manchester City from the Champions League / New Time


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UEFA Investigates Possible Breaches of City Rules for Financial Balance

Chief Investigator of the Financial Control Club of the Union of Associations European Football Association (UEFA), Yves Leterm, said that Manchester City could be excluded from the European Cups in case of breach of the rules of financial equilibrium.

In comments from Sport and Strategy magazine, the official noted that if it was written in the media, there could be a serious problem, according to ITV.

"This can lead to the most severe punishment – excluded I am from the European Cup," added Leterme.

A recent news that UEFA can exclude Manchester City from European Cups for violation of the rules of the point of balance – the so-called fierce financial game.

Previous football leaks reported that During his tenure as Secretary General of UEFA FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, helped Manchester City and PSG to avoid penalties for violating financial fair play rules.

The manager has met several times with the leaders of PSG and Manchester City. discussion dintsiynyh conversation details and proposed a compromise to solve the problems that were not allowed to do so. The talks were a success, as in May 2014, the two clubs reached an agreement with UEFA and avoided the negative consequences for their violations.

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