The Earth carries a deadly asteroid: in history, astronomers have never seen anything like it.


The most dangerous asteroid in the history of cosmic observations approaches the Earth. An alarming statement was made by NASA. According to the space agency, the asteroid was detected in July 2018. If this falls on any of the continents, the catastrophic consequences will be global. For example, there will be a terrible climate change that scientists can not predict. The fall of the asteroid can result in the disappearance of the entire continent. The diameter of the cosmic body approaching the Earth is greater than two kilometers.

Scientists have calculated the "fateful" date at which the asteroid approaches our planet. We are on February 1, 2019. There is less than a month left for a dangerous rapprochement. The speed of asteroids can exceed 28 kilometers per second. Scientists continue to monitor the object.

It only remains to be hoped that everything will be fine, but the probability of a fall in the spatial object is negligible.

Reminder, we wrote previously that NASA had first brought the probe to the end of the world.

NASA Agency Receives First Photographs of the New Horizons Interplanetary Probe

"The aircraft was able to photograph the surface of the asteroid (486958) 2014 MU69, well beyond the orbit of Neptune and called Ultima Thule ("The Edge of Peace") This is the first in the history of photography of this surface of the asteroid, "- said in a statement.

It should be noted that the cosmic body is a body with two connected and looks like a snowman.

In addition, NASA confirmed that the probe, after flying into the icy realm, remained in working order and was responsible for all orders.

The machine left the Earth 12 years ago

Reminder. , The astronaut accidentally called the orbit in 911, and that's what happened.

According to the narrative of "Know," guitarist Queen wrote a song in the honor of the NASA spacecraft.

Moreover, "Know.u" wrote that the fierce descent of Nibiru Earth.

The previously known astrologer had predicted the end of the world in a "cursed day". We have little time left.

Astro Oh Vlad Ross called the most dangerous day for humanity – it will be April 13, 2029. There is a good chance that that day a huge asteroid will fall on Earth. Glavred

Ross claims that in the spring of 2029, the next Asteroid is flying across the Earth, which will likely fall on our planet with a probability of 99%, it will be the end of the world.

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