Trump: Can declare a national emergency & # 39; to build a wall


"I can declare a national emergency dependent on what will happen in the coming days," Trump told reporters as he was leaving the White House for Camp David.

A White House official told CNN on Saturday that Trump was inclined to declare a national emergency to use military funds for his wall. Trump asked Congress to release a proper budget for the wall and his dispute with Democrats on this issue has pushed the government to a partial blockage underway.

Vice President Mike Pence was due to meet with congressional leaders on Sunday afternoon. According to two sources in Congress, deputies would receive the White House 's budget justification of about $ 5.7 billion for the wall.

Trump also announced Sunday that he expected to call the head of US Steel and other steel manufacturers to ask them to design a steel barrier for the southern border.

Trump said Friday that he "could" attempt to invoke emergency powers to build the wall, even though such an approach should be subject to prosecution.

Schiff: "A Non-Leaver"

The idea was rejected by some, including California's Democratic Representative Adam Schiff, who said Sunday in "l & # 39; CNN "State of the Union", that he did not think that Trump could use the emergency powers to build a wall on the southern border.

"Look, if Harry Truman could not". To nationalize the steel industry in wartime, this president does not have the power to declare an emergency and build a multi-billion dollar wall at the border, "Schiff said. "So it's a non-beginner."

Schiff says that the burden of moving and reopening the government remains with Trump, saying that Trump had put himself in a corner and that he was in a bad situation. he was to "understand how he painted himself from this corner."

The congressman also said that if the Democrats give in to Trump's request, it would prompt the president to try new closures in order to obtain

"We simply can not afford to do business this way," said Schiff.

WH: The fruitless weekend negotiations

The chief of White House acting cabinet, Mick Mulvaney, said in an i Separate interview on the same program as Saturday's talks to reopen the government "have not made much progress".

Trump, in his comments to reporters Sunday morning, said he and Pence were "not expecting anything" during further closing talks between Pence and congressional leaders on Sunday afternoon.

Trump however stated that he was expecting that he "very serious discussions" at the beginning of the week and that he "can identify" with the workers affected by the closure.

"I'm sure the recipients will make adjustments, they will always do it," said Trump.

Manu Raju, Boris Sanchez and Sarah Westwood, CNN, contributed to this report. [ad_2]
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