The woman said the terrible truth about the rape committed by Sofia Rotaru


The Russian woman decided to take revenge on her despotic husband. The last drop was a ban on listening to Sofia Rotaru's favorite songs. A woman could be in prison for her misdeeds.

A Russian woman met her future husband on a Turkish beach about 8 years ago. They fell in love with each other and even married, but they lived in Russia and settled in their home country, in the Czech Republic.

At first the woman seemed to have fallen into a real fairy tale. In Prague, she settled on the head of a butcher and nothing was a problem. However, over time, the man began to no longer show the best traits of his character.

The newly cooked man in everyday life was quite stubborn and respected the principles. He forbade him to eat in the house his usual dishes: herring, cakes, sauerkraut and dumplings. He taught Russian in Czech cuisine and they often ate Czech knitters and "spicy peppers called feferoni". "

However, the restrictions in this regard did not stop there. He forbade her to communicate with her friends, and the last drop is that he swore the most sacred music – his wife's favorite music. At the trial, the woman complained that after having included her favorite Sofia Rotaru song "Khutorianka", she had received a slap and spit in her husband's face.

The Russian woman was intelligent and vindictive and decided not to divorce only with her husband. but take revenge brutally on him.

A brother and a husband's father came to visit them. The teacher prepared a cocktail of beer, slivovitis, clofelin and viagra. The men were unconscious after dinner, but were physically ready for physical intimacy.

Nazhenko Izhevsk not only did the three intimate acts in turn, but also deleted the entire process on the camcorder. She presented this video for a general review at the same brother's wedding, which broke the celebration.

The Russian woman volunteered to take over the police. According to the laws of the Czech Republic, she incurs a 10-year sentence of imprisonment

. Recalling that she was forbidden to listen to the songs of her favorite singer, a woman decided to take revenge gently. Now she is at risk of imprisonment.

ua, my granddaughter Rotaru visited the fairy tale of winter and defeated her pretty face. Sonya appeared in the snow-white form of a snow maiden.

Know. ua wrote that Lorak had talked about the New Year with Gazmanov and Reva: money does not smell, even hostile. And it is not shameful to be a phonogram.

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